12 Easy Ways to be Irresistible to Him
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“No matter what a woman looks like, if she’s confident she’s sexy.” –
Paris Hilton
So, you’ve met a guy and thought, “oh boy am I in trouble.” He’s seemingly perfect, mysterious, cool, and those eyes.
Does he feel the same way about you? There are some easy tips you can employ right now to help. Below are 12 easy ways to become irresistible to him.
Is the saying beauty is only skin deep really true?
The media would like us to believe otherwise; with billions spent in advertising promising a happier life. If only we had the perfect skin, shiny hair or the right outfit, then we’d be flawless right?
Looking and feeling good run parallel but how do you explain the charisma of a woman who isn’t traditionally beautiful but just seems to have that thing, you know that thing, she illuminates a room, all eyes follow her and men and women alike are both drawn to her. It seems everyone wants to either be her best friend, hire her, date her or marry her.
What’s her secret? I know, and I’m going to tell you.
Guess what? You can have that thing, too. In fact, you already have it. You just have to tap in and let it shine. That’s what this article is going to teach you to do.
Now onto the fun stuff!
How to be irresistible:
1. Imagine yourself as a glowing woman.
The secret is an inner glow.
So you want to be irresistible? The first key is knowing that beauty truly does come from the inside; you have to learn how to glow. You have to learn how to feel good and people will flock to you.
Now, how the heck do you learn how to glow? Read on for some quick tips, after all, you can’t run out and buy this beauty product from the shelves of Estee Lauder.
2. Don’t gossip
Gossip is an ugly trait that can pull you into a web of destruction. In my article on mean girls we discussed that whatever the mix of words may be the ingredients for gossip are always fear, desire for validation, grasping to attachment and permanence, anger, boredom, insecurity, and jealousy. Gossip isn’t pretty.
3. Stop Complaining and be Positive
Have you ever heard the saying misery really does love company? Don’t be that angry woman who complains about her coworkers, her husband, the weather or her kids. This won’t make you glow, you’ll be a dark, cloudy abyss of negative energy. You’ll appear gray, sunken and bitter no matter how attractive you are. People will not be drawn to you, they will unknowingly scramble to avoid you.
Instead be the woman who talks about how great her yoga class was and how awesome her day is going, even if it isn’t! If you are having a bad day, by saying your day is great, well; your day will end up great.
The mind is everything. What you think you become.
4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Women
We need to learn how to love other women. A truly beautiful woman sees other ladies as her friends and allies, she realizes how much she can learn and grow from their influence.
5. Picture Yourself as an A-list Movie Star
This one will help you create confidence. Walk through the crowd like you are important! Don’t let anyone bring you down. You are what you think, learn to close the door on toxic people.
Surround yourself with positivity, and it won’t be long before you’re a bubbling happiness fountain yourself.
6. Be Confident
When you cross the room to get a drink of water, walk with purpose and confidence, make eye contact and imagine everybody’s eyes on you. You are beautiful.
Confidence is one of the most irresistible personality traits a woman can have, so learn to cherish yourself, faults and all!
Think about it — how can you expect a man to think you’re beautiful, intelligent and cool if you don’t believe that you’re beautiful, intelligent and cool?
Stop fussing over every little flaw (because he won’t notice) and repeat all the great things about you, even repeat positive affirmations if it helps!
Be interesting.
Don’t just make up cool hobbies and talk about them, what do you actually like to do? Take some time to figure this out, and then take some time to actually do them.
Another good tip is to “fake it til you make it.” This means pretending that you’re full of confidence even if you feel shy or nervous inside. Eventually, the confidence will come naturally.
7. Listen to and compliment others
This one has improved my relationships immensely. Don’t talk on and on about yourself – ask others questions and really listen to their answers. In fact, get excited about their answers. They should feel like what’s going on in their life is the most important thing in the world to you at that moment.
Compliment others – and this doesn’t have to be phony, really think about your partners’ interesting traits and tell them! If they have great taste in music – let them know, perhaps they light up a room, it’s time to tell them!
8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
You can’t be a positively glowing woman if you’re bombarded by stress, housework, and other demands. Being a woman is hard, we always take care of everyone else.
It’s proven that one of the most valuable possessions is time, and women who spend a little extra money on things that save them time increases their happiness. The findings in this new paper build on those of previous studies that suggest money used to decrease stress can get you a better happiness “bang for your buck” than money used in other ways.
So if it’s within your means, why not skip dinner for date night, (opt for a free walk instead) and get a housekeeper? Wouldn’t coming home to a sparkling house be nice? The most important point here, take care of yourself!
9. Have meaningful friendships with other women.
Girlfriends not only provide an emotional outlet that is unobtainable through any other relationship but it also boosts our endorphins, results in lower levels of cortisol – a stress hormone, wards off depression, boosts self-esteem and gives us a sense of belonging and support.
If you don’t have any meaningful friendships with any women at the moment then try this one tip: Next time you are speaking with a co-worker (potential friend) tell her something personal about yourself – open the door for a meaningful conversation. Next, ask her a question and really listen and respond to the answer. Developing friendships starts with just one step.
10. Remember to exercise and eat clean
There is no way you can glow without releasing those feel-good endorphin’s, your brain will feel good and your body will look great.
You all know the saying, “you are what you eat.” Eat a balanced healthy diet, add lots of color to your plate by way of fruits and vegetables.
11. Take up a meditation practice
This one is very important, you don’t need a lot of time, even two minutes a day, but in our busy lives, we need to make time to calm down and breathe. Meditation can help us re-center, think clearly, and make better decisions. If you’re a jittery mess you won’t be glowing.
12. Let go of others’ expectations of you
In our roles of motherhood, wife or employee, we can easily lose sight of our prioritizes not mention our entire self-identity. You are not just a mother, you are also a great friend, interesting person and a kick-ass cook.
Don’t define yourself by what other’s think you should be doing. Be unique, have your own identity, embrace your you-ness. In the process be sure to acknowledge your emotions. Seek self-help if you need it and don’t be embarrassed, we all have struggles and hard times. Always act and think kindly.
Know that you are not alone. Whenever you feel like the world is caving in and that no one else in the world has ever felt this way, remember you are not alone. We can lean on each other, we are all going through the same struggles.
Start to discover your flawless, authentic self, you can glow! Your physical shape or size makes no difference we can all be beautiful. There you have it 12 ways to be irresistible. I’d love to know your thoughts.
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