How to Stop Worry, Anxiety, Panic: 13 Brilliant Ways to Rewire Your Brain

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Are you wondering how to stop worry? How to relax? How to ease anxiety? Those are tough questions. But we’ve got you covered with the best tips on how to stop worry, anxiety, and panic from snowballing.

For me, I’ve been worrying as long as I’ve been breathing.

“Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.” ~ Ana Monnar

Worry – a seemingly innocent five letter word that delivers a big punch.

If you’re anything like me you might worry like it’s your second job.

Worry involves anticipating an unpleasant future event and this anticipation sends us into a spiral of avoidance, fear, and anxiety.

And you know what?

This sucks!

That’s why I’ve scoured books and websites to find the best, most effective tips to help you stop worrying RIGHT NOW!

Ready to stop worrying and start living?


This post contains 13 proven techniques to stop worry NOW!

Dare to Dream

We all worry, every last one of us. Kids, work, relationships, health, financial burdens — all of these things can cause immeasurable dread. Stop letting worry control you—instead use this FREE Worry Workbook to get back to having the magical day you know you can have.

Mindfulness activities for kids preview set.

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

The Worry Cycle

We often worry about everything from whether coffee is good or bad for our health if we will get that promotion, and what diseases the future has in store for us.

The unfortunate part is that this all-consuming gig doesn’t pay in money — it pays in stress, unhappiness, anxiety, and inner turmoil.

Like a hive of buzzing bees, these habitual thoughts swarm our minds creating an illusion of a reality that usually stings much worse than anything that actually DOES happen.

It can feel almost unbearable waiting for these future outcomes to transpire.

Sometimes our worries are small and manageable and pass but sometimes worry becomes a chronic default setting.

When we worry chronically it becomes second nature to live in this revved-up space of anxiety and restlessness. Read here for 3 easy ways to fight anxiety naturally.

Know that you’re not alone; chances are if you are breathing you are likely worrying.

So instead of replaying the same old worries day after day why don’t we look at how to stop worrying and start living peacefully?

How to Stop Worry and Start Living

How to Stop Worry, Anxiety and Panic For Good: 13 Simple Tips 

1. Pay attention to your thoughts

We need to first understand why we worry. Worry comes from unpleasant thoughts that manifest in our minds.

When we follow these thoughts we tend to dwell, fixate, exaggerate and obsess.

We can become acquainted with these thoughts (this is called mindfulness) and through practicing mindfulness we can change these thoughts.

Once you start to pay attention to your thoughts you can start to rewire them.

Try coping statements.

These are things you will say to yourself when you notice destructive thoughts coming up:  If I am anxious I can breathe deeply to calm my body and say, “I am trying my best.” “No one knows I feel anxious” “This feeling shall pass.”

Then, try positive self-statements. Be kind to yourself. Here are some examples of some positive self-talk statements, “I can do it.” “Everyone makes mistakes.” “I am not weird for having anxiety. Everyone experiences worry.” “It’s okay if some people don’t like me, I like myself.”

Hint: It can be tough to remember helpful thoughts or realistic coping statements when you are anxious. Try making up coping cards that include helpful statements. To make a coping card, write down your realistic thoughts on an index card or a piece of paper, and keep it with you (i.e. in your purse, wallet, or pocket). It can be helpful to read this card daily, just as a reminder.

2. Get rid of stuff


Minimalism isn’t just a fad for trendy, hipsters who sport cool Scandinavian furniture and wear only 5 white shirts.

It’s much more than that.

And science backs it up.

If we spend less money on stuff, we are less stressed about money…

…if we have less stuff, we have less to clean and organize…

…if we have less stuff, we feel lighter and free, and this definitely leads to less anxiety.

How to Stop Worry and Start Living

But material possessions are just that, things we can lose, things we WILL lose one day. And with that comes stress, heaviness, and worry.

By adopting a minimalist lifestyle you can throw out what you don’t need in order to focus on what you do need.

Start by going through your closet. Purge! Then go through your house room by room.

Read up here on how to start a minimalist lifestyle, there is no one better to explain how than The Minimalist Guys. If you haven’t read any of their stuff, I suggest you do.

3. Give yourself a safe space and take time for silence

Carve our a corner, room, nook that is YOUR space.

This space is sacred and this space is YOURS.

And guess what?

You don’t need a lot of space.

How to Stop Worry

Pop over here for detailed instructions on how to create a relaxation space (even if you have no space).

This is a great place to start.

Whether your safe space is a room designed specifically for yoga or meditation, or simply an area of coziness in your bedroom or office — the takeaway is that this space is relaxing.

You can shut out outside stressors and just breathe.

Take a few minutes to give your brain a break…and who reading this right now doesn’t need a break! Don’t leave without snagging your Free Meditation Starter Kit which includes 7 pages of meditation’s most FAQs, along with a printable meditation cheat sheet and journal. If you’re ready for a healthierhappier mind, then say #heckyeah!

Meditation Starter kit

4. Practice Calm Breathing

I suggest practicing calm breathing for five minutes per day.

Relaxation Techniques for Moms

Shut the front door.

Only five minutes a day, for endless benefits?

Yes, the benefits of taking a few minutes to breathe deeply are off the charts.

In your calm space or anywhere follow these instructions:

  • Take a slow breath in through the nose, breathing into your lower belly (for about 4 seconds)
  • Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds
  • Exhale slowly through the mouth (for about 4 seconds)
  • Wait a few seconds before taking another breath

Calm breathing will drastically reduce worry, panic and anxiety.

5. Create a budget

Even though it may seem like you will never have enough money, you need to stop stressing about it.

One way to stop worrying about money is to gain some control over it.

I’m an accountant by day, and here’s what I do:

Create an excel schedule that lists your monthly income and monthly expenses.

Separate your expenses by fixed costs versus variable costs.

Then adjust your variable costs until you are not in the red zone at the end of each month.

That might mean, finding ways to reduce your grocery expenses, cable services, or spending money.

You can also evaluate where you could reduce your fixed expenses. Do you really need that fancy phone plan?  Read more here on 10 ways you can start saving money, and how!

How to Stop Worry

6. Create a schedule – organize your time and self

When you are overextended you are being flung in every direction, and when that happens you’re not really following through on anything or doing anything particularly great.


And the worst part?

This fuels stress and anxiety.

It’s natural to want to be perfect, to get everything done, to be everything to everyone.

Quick tips for organizing your schedule:

  1. Make effective use of your time
  2. learn how to say no
  3. set a realistic schedule
  4. forget about the expectations others project onto you.

I recommend the living well planner to schedule not only your day but your entire life. It’s a brilliantly designed life planner that includes meal planning, scheduling, journaling, and goal setting.

Have a look.

It’s a great first step to taking control of your life.

7. Stop being influenced by media

The media can make us feel like we are not thin enough, rich enough or successful enough.

And you know the worst part?

It’s can make us feel like we simply aren’t good enough. A good enough mother, partner or person.

How to Stop Worry

It’s hard to see all the perfect families around us and not feel a tiny bit isolated.

On a bigger level, the media also instills fear of war, disease, and destruction.

And all this negativity causes anxiety. And it’s definitely NOT going to help us stop worry.

Let’s face it:

The media can be a fear-based breeding ground for worry.

Here’s what I suggest:

Turn off the news while you eat dinner.

Turn on some relaxing music.

Have a conversation with those around you.

The world won’t end if you take a break.  I promise you, if something major happens, you’ll still find out about it.

Take a break from the state of the world and enjoy right now.

Anxiety Kit for Kids

When you purchase this Anxiety Kit for Kids, you’ll help your kids calm down, make better choices, and learn positive coping strategies. This is the PERFECT resource (70+ PAGES) for children ages 3 to 10 who suffer from anxiety, anger, or BIG emotions.

8. Be Rational

Ask yourself these questions:

“Are my worries realistic?”

“What would I tell a friend with the same worries?”

“What would a friend tell me about my worries?”

“Are these worries I have some control over?”

“Are these worries and thoughts even true?”

How to Stop Worry

9. Exercise

Exercise is my anti-depressant for worry, anxiety, and panic. If I could give you one piece of advice on how to stop worry, it would be to incorporate 30 minutes of exercise per day into your life.

Exercise releases endorphins, this makes the brain feel good and reduces the body’s stress hormones.

Exercise comes in many forms. You don’t need to hit the pavement and run a marathon. Even a 10-minute walk daily will get your blood moving.

Moving clears your head, diminishes anxiety.  The anxiety and depression association of America states:

“According to some studies, regular exercise works as well as medication for some people to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the effects can be long lasting. One vigorous exercise session can help alleviate symptoms for hours, and a regular schedule may significantly reduce them over time.”

10. Express gratitude

Stop worrying about things that may or may not happen and start being thankful for the things you have right now.

The grass is green where you water it!

Developing an attitude of gratitude can literally transform our state of mind.

How to Stop Worry

Spend a few minutes each day, listing things for which you are thankful.

Need some ideas?

  • Your health
  • Your friends and family
  • The ability to go for a walk and breathe in fresh air
  • A warm cup of tea
  • A movie with a friend

Read this powerful list of 5 things you forgot to be grateful for today. I simply love these!

10. Trust yourself and your instincts

Do you worry about whether you are on the right path or going in the right direction?

Get quiet so that you can hear the small voice deep inside of you.

Is your sixth sense urging you to reconsider where you are in life?

The signs might be more subtle than a panicked feeling of a masked man following you, but, if you pay attention your instincts are quietly telling you something feels off.

Maybe you’re going against the flow of where you should be, in your career or relationship.


Often times we go against the grain and we don’t listen to our gut. But the problem is, that if we aren’t in the right place, following our values and needs, we can’t be happy.

Why don’t we listen?

Simply tune into your inner compass — it is guiding you in the right direction.

12. Use a Worry Journal

This is single-handedly the BIGGEST technique I’ve come across to reign in my anxiety and worry.

If you want to learn how to stop worry, look no further.

A worry journal is based on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

But basically, when you write down your worries, fears, and anxieties, you can relax knowing they are on paper.


I searched and searched for the perfect journal and I couldn’t find the perfect resource.


I created it!

And the Mindfulmazing Worry Journal was born!

Listen up:

You can set down the 100-pound weight you been lugging around for days, weeks, years, decades.

I did.

As a busy wife, mom, author, and full-time accountant, I feel that unrelenting pressure, and battle crippling worries

Work problems, relationship issues, financial strains, health problems, unforeseen what if’s — all of these things can fill us with dread.


Anxiety is a part of life, but it’s not meant to cripple, paralyze and control us.

If you want to stop worry, don’t wait!

Take a break from your worries and start living!

13. Eat these foods

  • Vitamin C – Helps out our adrenal glands. Eat foods such as apples, broccoli, red peppers, spinach, and kiwis.
  • Get your Omega’s – Omega’s fight the stress-causing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Include foods rich in flax, walnuts, and soya beans.
  • Complex Carbs – Don’t rush out and eat that French Baguette just yet, we only want the good carbs. Whole wheat bread, oats, beans, and barley. These foods help keep your blood sugar stable and send a feel-good message to your brain.
  • What is Tryptophan? This is an amino acid that produces serotonin; which regulates your hormones. Eat foods such as bananas, soya sauce, pumpkin seeds, and kale.
  • B Vitamins – the stress vitamin
  • And my number one anxiety fighting tip – take a daily dose of magnesium! This is the magnesium I use.

Remember these things:

Worrying accomplishes nothing

Worrying is bad for you

Worrying is the opposite of trust and peace

Worrying puts your attention in the wrong direction

When worry does grab a hold of you these fun tips can help stop it from snowballing:

How to Stop Worry

• Listen to music
• Go to a party
• Read a book
• Have a movie night with your friends
• Go camping
• Have a family outing
• Spend a day at the beach

Take a relaxing cleansing breath – aaahhhh. Feel the stress float away.

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to stop worry, anxiety, and panic. Leave a comment below on your favorite strategy.

Check out this post on starting a worry journal, it’s been my number one life saving worrying reducing technique. Read about it here!

How to Stop Worry

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  1. Excellent article with superb suggestions, which actually work!

    1. Tina Williamson says:

      Thanks Irena. I agree anxiety can be managed with a little work and habit changing 🙂

  2. Sabrina | The Budding Optimist says:

    I totally agree on getting rid of stuff. I never realized how big of an impact clutter had on my mental wellbeing until I moved and started over without all the junk and clutter. And you don’t have to switch to a total minimalist lifestyle instantly either, just start out by clearing out the things you haven’t used in 12 months and be really mindful about what you bring into the home. Small changes lead to a big difference!

    1. Tina Williamson says:

      I just went through all my drawers and applied the KonMari method of folding clothes. It’s been wonderful to organize and purge EVERYTHING. I wholeheartedly agree that clutter leads to stress, and leaving your house airy, and light will help free your mind so to speak.

  3. I loved this article. So many great tips to help me battle my anxiety. Thanks! ????

  4. With all that is happening in today’s world, this article was definitely helpful. The tips can absolutely be life changing with application.

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