How to Be a Happy Mom (Instantly) with These 5 Thoughts
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Inside: Are you wondering how to be a happy mom? If so, then below we’ve got five thoughts that will make you instantly happier!
I want to be happy, you want to be happy — everyone wants to achieve this mysterious state of bliss.
But the problem is, we don’t seem to know how to be happy.
But here’s the thing:
Happiness binds our family together (not to mention the entire universe together).
The actions and motives of every living human being are driven by our desire for it.
So yes, it’s kind of a BIG deal!
What sets apart the truly happy parents from others is that they’ve made the conscious choice to be happy.
Happy parents have learned that happiness starts with ourselves; specifically, it sprouts from our thoughts.
With just a few powerful thoughts, you too can join the tribe of happy moms all over the world!
So if you want to know how to be a happier mom or how to be a happier parent, then keep reading!
Why aren’t we happy?
Here’s the thing:
Life is busy.
You are likely busy trying to get healthy meals on the table, busy stopping your toddler from coloring on the walls, busy acting as a chauffeur service shuttling your little ones from school to activities to playdates.
Busy trying to be the best mom you can be. And may I say (because you don’t hear it enough), you are doing an awesome job.
But finding time to do anything other than collapse in a heap after a long day can seem next to impossible…
Life just starts to seemingly pass you by.
Does anyone else ever feel like every day is groundhog day?
I don’t know about you, but many days I certainly wish I were happier.
I know in my heart that one day I’ll miss this, and I desperately want to cherish every single second.
But parenthood is weird, complicated, and messy. It’s full of tears and worry. It’s full of exhaustion, frustration, lack of appreciation, and sacrifice.
And some days it’s just downright hard to feel like all those perfect mothers you might see on Facebook.
Hey Mama, You Can Be Happier!
Well, I’m here to tell you that you can be happy again!
Because it’s actually pretty simple, we all want to be happy. And we all struggle with how to do that.
The secret to a happy life is NOT to avoid the struggle, but learn how to be OKAY amidst the struggle.
At times we ALL feel empty and lost like we are standing on the sidelines of our own life. I know what it’s like to feel heartbroken, downtrodden, and like giving up. Perhaps you feel disconnected from life, exhausted from taking care of everyone else, or maybe frustrated that there aren’t enough hours in the day.
I understand what it’s like to feel like you’re not doing a great job parenting or to feel like your life is passing you by. And worst of all I know what’s it like to be scared to admit that something might be missing.
(And it’s okay, you can love your kids but still crave more).
Here’s the thing, we all struggle with something.
And there are moments where we all feel like giving up or that a happy life is simply unattainable.
But I’ve learned that we can tune into our lives and move past our stories and struggles. You can find joy in the small moments every day. And those are the moments that matter.
I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what your life circumstances are, you can get there too.
And you can start with these 5 powerful thoughts will help you tune into the brilliant happy life that you already have!
How to Be a Happy Mom With These 5 Thoughts
So next time you feel a little stressed, downtrodden, overwhelmed because we all know what it’s like to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, think these 5 things and I guarantee, you’ll feel a little happier!
1. This too shall pass.
When we’re in the throes of a powerful emotion or situation, life can feel bleak and hopeless.
When life pushes you down — whether you’re dealing with a defiant toddler, a bruised ego, or big parenting fail — you can counter any thoughts coming up with this one thought:
This too shall pass.
This thought takes the permanence out of the negative emotion or situation and creates space to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Grow your wisdom: Life is in a constant state of flux, and everything will pass.
2. You are not alone
It’s common to get our feet stuck in deep and dark mental places.
In dealing our own personal problems, it’s easy to become consumed by your grief, stress, and situations, and it’s easy to feel like no one has ever felt the way you might feel right now.
Guess what?
Someone else has — practically every living being has felt that exact emotion at one time or another.
You are never alone.
Emotions are like storms; no matter how dark and turbulent, they’ll clear and sunny skies will rise again.
3. Other people have good intentions
It’s easy to think the worst of others.
Even the people closest to us.
I’m guilty of this, but really it’s just my own mind being pessimistic and negative.
This pessimism set me off into an unpleasant mental spin.
Try thinking of others in a positive light.
Assume that they have good intentions. Appreciate and savor your relationships and the love you have to give and receive from others.
4. There’s a bright side to every situation
Changing your perspective can do wonders for your mood and for the mood of those around you.
Let’s say you begrudgingly must spend the day driving to a distant appointment, instead of grumbling the entire way there, look on the bright side.
It might be a beautiful day for a drive! Enjoy the fresh air, take the time to talk and connect with your kids, and listen to some music.
There’s always a bright side.
So find it and drive out those negative thoughts.
Happiness is here right now.
In fact, it’s never been anywhere else but here. Clear the dark storm clouds and rediscover the bright blue sky waiting underneath.
Now smile. It’s not so bad.
5. Slow down and breathe (Final thought on how to be a happy mom)
Actually, say this aloud in your head over and over throughout the day.
Slow down and just breathe.
We need this constant reminder.
Focus on one thing at a time try to infuse each moment with your attention and presence.
Without conscious breathing, your life can become riddled with anxiety and turmoil. Make your day a moving meditation.
Final thoughts on how to be a happy mom
Happiness is only a few steps away. Start by learning the basics of mindfulness, a technique proven to increase our happiness levels.
And if you’d like some tips to stop yelling at your kids, check this out.
I recommend this book to get started with a happiness routine today:
There you have it, how to be a happy mom with 5 powerful thoughts.
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Resources You’ll Love
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Calm Down Corner Bundle
Mindful Minute
Feelings Fun Kit
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