9 Big Things People Who Follow Their Dreams Don’t Do
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“I’m just living the dream.”
Chaz Reinhold (The Wedding Crashers)
Maybe your dream isn’t to be a 40-year-old wedding crasher who still lives with their mom, but I think it’s safe to say that each one of us has a shadow of an unfulfilled wish, dream or desire.
In fear of being ridiculed or vulnerable, we might keep this dream tucked in the deepest part of our junk drawer, but it’s always there, ready to surface if one day the right circumstances fall into place.
Do you ever find yourself saying, “If only I knew then what I know now, I would do things so much differently.”
Do you ever look in at your life and wonder where you could have swerved wildly left to lead you down a different, more thrilling path? We all think about what if’s, but this mentality isn’t serving you. You already have a life that can be mucho fulfilling and rewarding. What we need to do is figure out a way to follow our dreams in the life we already have.
Following your dreams could be as simple as taking on a new hobby or learning to cook a new recipe. You don’t need to pack your bags and hop on the first flight to the farthest (and warmest maybe?) place you can find.
People who are truly following their dreams are living a life they love, no matter how extravagant or minuscule. It’s about what makes you happy and fulfilled.
Today is a good time to evaluate a few important questions:
- Did you accomplish everything you set out to do this year?
- What would truly make your life meaningful and fulfilled?
- Are your current experiences in line with your desires?
- If you could do anything, what would it be?
Ponder these questions with uncensored thoughts and formulate some new intentions.
I think it’s important to realize that sometimes changing your life from bleak and mundane just means taking away the blur that is clouding your life.
There is no better time to follow your dreams, no matter how big or small. Check out these things that people who live their dreams don’t do so that you can be one step closer to ‘living the dream’.
9 Things People Who Follow Their Dreams Don’t Do

1. They don’t follow someone else’s dream
This might seem like common sense, but many of us follow the dreams set up for us by our parents, partners or friends. You might be a people pleaser, or you might be afraid of letting your loved ones down. Are you lacking when it comes to trusting that you know what’s best for you?
People following their dreams know what they want, and they stand up to others who try to push expectations onto them.
Perhaps your best friend scoffs that you want to spend your Saturday afternoons with a knitting group. Well, that’s your choice, don’t let someone else push their expectations, desires and dreams onto you.
2. They don’t make excuses
How often do you find yourself coming up with a rainbow of reasons why you can’t achieve your goals or live the life you’ve been dreaming of? Do you even tell yourself elaborate stories about why things didn’t work out?
If you want to play guitar, well, there are now endless free resources to teach you. If you want to get physically fit, you need to put in the work. No excuses.
Where do you find yourself making excuses in your life?
Does it serve you? If not, let it go and simply vow to try each day to be better.
3. They don’t compromise their values or principles
Compromising is a huge part of our everyday life – compromise, compromise, compromise.
You will be asked to make many compromises in many facets of your life — relationships, kids, friends and family, and what you’re willing to compromise can in fact play a huge role in your future – but never compromise your values.
People living a life true to themselves are not riddled with guilt, regret or doubts about their choices, they stand firm and move forward with decisions that align with their intentions, goals and dreams.
4. They don’t believe the glass is half empty
Negativity will only build walls around you. A positive attitude is everything. The glass is always half full. With this attitude, opportunities and abundance will naturally flow into your life. Put your energy on what you want, rather than what you don’t want.
Your thoughts are single-handedly the most important weapon you have in achieving your dreams. Your thoughts are like energy, driving your life. People living the dream are always positive and this naturally manifests positive energy and positive results.
If you think you are beaten you are; if you think you dare not, you don’t; if you want to win but think you can’t; it’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose you’ve already lost; success begins with someone’s will; it’s all a state of mind.
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger and faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
Author Unknown
5. They don’t focus on materialism
If your dream starts with wanting to make a lot of money so that you can be happy, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities. Of course, you can achieve great wealth, but chances are you won’t be any happier once this golden paycheck arrives.
People who are living the dream know that money can’t buy happiness, and they also understand that a life of status, wealth, fame, and popularity is a very fragile house of cards.
If wealth comes as a result of living your dream – bonus. But people who live their dreams know it’s not the driving factor.
6. They don’t believe things are impossible, they don’t lose faith and they don’t quit halfway
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
Gail Devers
Our mind is a powerful weapon. It’s normal to have self-doubt or feel like something is out of reach, but those who achieve big things see through this doubt and persevere long after others would have quit. Have a solid faith in your intentions.
Nothing is impossible. You might have to work really hard and sacrifice a lot, but chances are that just by trying, you will open up doors of new opportunities that you never thought possible.
7. They don’t let themselves go
Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
Sasha Cohen
Staying physically fit and eating a balanced diet is the key to feeling good and without feeling good your dreams may not amount to much. Exercising also produces energy which will help you keep persevering.
The most successful people know that exercise is one of the main components to mentally and physically pushing yourself.
Study show that exercise is one of the most important habits you can develop to transform your life. Working out makes you healthier, happier, and better able to sleep; it can boost your memory, concentration, and mental sharpness!
8. They don’t get stuck in a safe space.
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”
Anais Nin
People following their dreams thrive on new experiences. They are living their life, not being a spectator to the lives of others. People living a life dreams are made of realize that living is about moment to moment experiences; they love the journey and don’t obsess over the destination.
9. They don’t procrastinate or believe in shortcuts.
Why wait until January 1st to start making changes? Start today. People who live their dreams don’t just talk about it, they take steps every day to bring their desires into reality.
There is no such thing as a shortcut. If you want to be physically fit, you have to do the work; quick fad diets are not the answer, and this goes for any dream. Put in the work and you will reap great personal rewards.
Now, take these 9 things, stop doing them and go out there and start living life to the fullest! Now is the time to believe in yourself and act upon your wildest dreams.
If you enjoyed this post you might enjoy reading, 10 Ways to Ignite Your Imagination and Accomplish Big Things

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