10 Easy Ways to Make Someone’s Day

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“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and start with the person nearest you.”

Mother Teresa

Wouldn’t you like to be called a joy spreader, spirit-lifter, or mood elevator?

It may be selfish but making other people happy feels good.  It’s the old pay it forward adage and it starts with just one person.

Instead of living in a world in which we make each other suffer why not try to make each other feel good.


Here are 10 ideas to get you started:


Wouldn’t you like to be called joy spreader, spirit lifter, and mood elevator? Here are 10 simple ways to make someone's day.
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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.


1.  Smile genuinely

Smile! It's Contagious.

Smiling is infectious, not only does it make you happier but smiling also makes others around you happier. Be sure to look who you are speaking with right in the eye.

2.  Laugh deep belly laughs

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live5

Others can’t help but laugh when hearing someone laughing wholeheartedly.

3.  Bring food

365:340 Vegan baked goods

Everyone loves a tasty surprise. At your next social gathering bring a little something for everyone to snack on.

4.  Buy someone a coffee

Pay it forward

This is such an unexpected pleasant surprise.  It will start someone’s day off right.

5.  Send a handwritten card

love letter

In our world of short tidbits of information, taking the time to handwrite a note is very meaningful.  And goodness knows we could all use a little more meaning in our lives.

6.  Ask someone about their life


Stop talking and start listening.

7.  Tell someone you love their outfit

Who doesn’t love to hear that they look good?

8.  Compliment someone


Take it one step further and compliment someone’s character. Perhaps they are funny, thoughtful, or generous. Tell them!

9.  Address someone by their name

JUMP high five! (almost)

Everyone loves to be noticed.  Doesn’t it feel good when someone uses your name in a strong sentence?

10.  Notice when someone tries something different

Jumping Squirrel

Instead of always being so consumed by what’s going on in our own lives, take the time to notice our peers and acknowledge their accomplishments.

There you have it, ten quick and easy ways you can brighten up someone’s day!

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

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    1. Tina Williamson says:

      Thanks so much for the feedback. I’m aiming for the refreshing design so I’m glad that is coming across! By the way your blog is wonderful as well! I’m loving your articles.

  1. Rajni Gohil says:

    Your articles are very useful. I will forward to many of my contacts. Good job, keep it up.

    1. Tina Williamson says:

      Thanks so much! I really appreciate the feedback and I also appreciate the shares! 🙂

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